International students say goodbye to PUCRS

Celebration included video of the best moments of the semester and a dance show

04/12/2018 - 09h04
Photos: Mariana Haupenthal

Photos: Mariana Haupenthal

Around 40 international students who did a mobility program at PUCRS in the second semester of 2018 attended a farewell cocktail on Nov 28. In the celebration, the guests had the chance to watch a video presenting the highlights of the semester and a dance show performed by Colombian, Mexican and Spanish students from Universidad de Celaya, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Irapuato – ITESI, Universidad de León and Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín.

The event was offered by the Academic Mobility team of the Office for International Cooperation, and featured the Buddy Program volunteers. The Office’s Administrative Coordinator, Sandra Mino, thanked students for choosing PUCRS for this important exchange experience.

This semester, 13 countries made their presences felt at PUCRS: Germany, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Spain, United States, France, Mexico, Portugal, UK and Sweden. These students came from 25 partner institutions. In 2019, other students will be coming to PUCRS and will rely on the support of the Academic Mobility team. Its members are responsible to providing academic information, developing welcoming and integration activities in view of the social and cultural context of the city.

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