German sociologist discusses interpretive research and migration

Gabriele Rosenthal delivered lectures for the Graduate Program in Social Sciences

25/10/2017 - 12h15

Gabriele RosenthalThe Graduate Program in Social Sciences  promoted a series of lectures delivered by Dr Gabriele Rosenthal, from the Center of Methods in Social Sciences of the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany. Rosenthal discussed Biographic research from figurative sociology. She also talked about Economic migration and the biographic self-representation of migrants and refugees in and of Africa.

Gabriela Rosenthal is a sociologist and professor of Qualitative Methods. She has a Master’s in Sociology and Psychology from the University of Konstanz, Germany, a Doctorate from the University of Bielefeld, Germany, and is a specialist in Interpretive Sociology from the University of Kassel.

She is an important exponent in interpretive studies and in the biographic approach to Social Sciences, as she has had two books published in Portuguese: Pesquisa social interpretativa: Uma introdução and História de vida vivenciada e história de vida narrada: A interrelação entre experiência, recordar e narrar. She works with general and interpretive sociology, qualitative methods, biographic and family approaches to research, migration, ethnic belonging, among others.

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