PUCRS is best private university in South of Brazil according to Ministry of Education

Master’s degrees scored higher than programs of other higher education institutions in the country

22/12/2018 - 08h27

2018_12_11-ranking_mec(907x550)PUCRS is the best private university in the south of Brazil, as per the General Index of Programs (IGC), released by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in December. The institution earned 3,5719 points, within band 4 of continuous IGC – in a scale that goes from 1 to 5. PUCRS is also the fourth best institution in the State, as per the evaluation of the Ministry of Education, in a list that includes private, federal and State universities. UFRGS, UFSCPA and UFSM are in the top of the list. Additionally, the Master’s degrees programs of PUCRS have scored higher among the programs from other universities of Brazil.

The President of PUCRS, Br. Evilázio Teixeira, claims that the University is very proud of the results: “We are being recognized for the continuous effort we are making in the pursuit of excellence. And this is a result of the joint work done by our university community. We want to develop actions that go beyond the academic aspects that are strictly related to teaching, research and extension, but touch on innovation and social, environmental, scientific, cultural and economic development of the society in every sphere of operation”, says he. In his view, this is the result of a number of efforts undertaken over time.

The General Index of Programs

The General Index of Programs (IGC) is an index that looks at the quality of undergraduate and graduate programs of each institution. So, institutions are awarded a single grade for the programs in all levels of higher education. The IGC is published every year by Inep/MEC after the results of Enade come out.

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