
General Goal

The main goal of the Graduate Program in Medicine and Health Sciences is to promote the training of highly qualified professors and researchers for teaching, research and development in different areas of medicine and health sciences.

Specific Goal

The Graduate Program in Medicine and Health Sciences, relying on an interdisciplinary team of professors and students and on the support of national and international researchers from other programs and institutions, conducts diversified projects aiming at the exchange of scientific knowledge and the application of improvements in innovative basic and clinical research for the benefit of the community. In other words, we intent to transfer the experience gained on basic and clinical research to other colleges and to the community.

Within the perspective of evolution, the main goal from the period 2017-2020 was the internationalization and the refinement of scientific production with the objective of achieving a grade 6 by Capes. Having achieved that goal, and being the first program of our University to achieve the highest grade according to the CAPES evaluation, our current goal is to keep and consolidate our grade 6.

The course is structured in the following areas of concentration: Clinical Surgery, Internal Medicine, Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology, Nephrology and Neurosciences, all staffed by highly qualified faculty professors and researchers.

The curriculum consists of basic courses on research methodology, epidemiology, biostatistics, teaching methodology, literature analysis and production as well as ethics/bioethics. Each area of concentration offers as well specific courses, which are related to the lines of research to be developed in the program, and which will equip students towards their research project. The program allows for its students to choose which courses they want to do, thus allowing students and professors to set the mandatory and optional courses that need to be completed for better qualification of research to be conducted by the former.

Permanent professors are directly involved with undergraduate students, have significant scientific production and integrate national and international research groups.

Student exchanges are encouraged through PDEE (doctoral exchange programs), PEC PG and PROCAD projects, and students are welcome for post-doctoral research.

The quality of the scientific production of advising professors, faculty development and re-analysis of courses and lines of research are under continuous evaluation.

The administration office is located at PUCRS’ Health complex. Its professors and students are in constant connection with São Lucas Hospital, the Institute for Biomedical Research, the Laboratory of Practical Skills, and the Brain Institute (INSCER).

Capes Grade: 6
Master’s: 24 credits
Doctorate: 36 credits
Master’s: minimum of 12 and maximum of 30 months
Doctorate: minimum of 24 and maximum of 54 months