
Advanced Analysis of Qualitative Data
COD Workload Description
313A8-02 30 This course addresses: Approaches, methods and techniques for qualitative research in Psychology; The main theoretical-methodological currents that support qualitative analyses in human sciences investigations; Research methods and procedures for the collection and analysis of different types of research employing the qualitative method.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Education Master's Not required
Education Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Master's Not required
Ethics and Political Philosophy Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Master's Not required
Metaphysics and Epistemology Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Education theories and cultures Seeks to explore the relationship between anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology and education, by discussing political and cultural conditions in education. It brings together theoretical and empirical theories and research, so improving our understanding of the diversity of the human experience in the different processes of development.
People and education It studies education as a process that involves the person's non-development, training and self-training, highlighting its intertwining as health and well-being. It hosts interdisciplinary studies and research that enhance the pedagogical dimension of human experience in its interactions as biological, psychosocial, biographical, cultural aspects of two subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society.
Education in Science and Mathematics (ESM) Studies teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics in different training spaces, using theoretical and methodological contributions related to education through research; epistemologically linked to the domain of language, to inter and transdisciplinarity – to science and the nature of being and to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with initial and continuing teacher training, in Basic Education and Higher Education. It covers research involving scientific and technological development, scientific literacy and the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal spaces of education.
Education training, policies and practices Seeks to explore educational processes in different training settings, from socio-political, historical and cultural perspectives, aiming at a critical analysis of policies, training practices, and educational planning in different contexts. It scrutinizes pedagogical practices in several degrees and types of education, enabling insights for decision making regarding changes in society and in the educational process.
The State and Theories of Justice This line of research addresses the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of the theories of justice from scholars such as Immanuel Kant, John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, as well as their different critical and alternative views in communitarian and utilitarian theories.
Ethics Principles This line of research addresses the central issues of Ethics as they have been conceived over time and under the systematic aspect, in view of scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant and others. The relationship between practical and theoretical reason is a central area.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Phenomenology and Hermeneutics This line of research is intended to analyze the classical theories of knowledge under the perspective of the philosophers of phenomenology, which has been the norm in Europe for almost a century and has representatives all over the world.
Philosophy in the Middle Ages This line of research addresses philosophers of the Middle Ages.
Analytic Epistemology This line of research addresses the fundamental topics of contemporary Epistemology: theories of knowledge, theories of epistemic rationality, skepticism and epistemic paradoxes.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Advanced Analysis of Quantitative Data
COD Workload Description
313A9-02 30 This course focuses on advanced statistical techniques and their application in the current context of Psychology research.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy
COD Workload Description
313B7-02 30 The course addresses the theoretical and technical study of the Cognitive and Behavioral approach, by emphasizing the assessment techniques and psychotherapeutic interventions.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Development and Elaboration of Research Projects
COD Workload Description
63341-04 60 The elaboration of a high-quality project is essential for the progress of scientific research. Thus, this course aims to qualify equip students to write and present a project in both clinical and experimental areas by discussing basic concepts of the anatomy and physiology of a research project.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Required
Pediatrics Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
83278-02 30 To identify the nature of the epidemiological study; to describe different epidemiological methods; to name and characterize the indexes of epidemiological nature related to cavities and periodontal disease; to establish the main interrelations between biological and social indicators with the development of cavities and periodontal disease; to organize epidemiological surveys; to apply epidemiological indices of cavities and periodontal disease; to analyze and interpret the results of epidemiological studies.The course brings the fundamental concepts of Ethics in order to achieve the following goals: the formulation of correct ethical judgments; proper use of ethical principles in individual, family, professional, social and political daily life; understanding and developing the ability to criticize, accept or refuse principles of action in the various aspects of daily life; understanding and searching for solutions to some of the serious problems that defy humanity through applied Ethics.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biology and Orofacial Rehabilitation Master's Not required
Biology and Orofacial Rehabilitation Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Ontological Clinic Master's Not required
Ontological Clinic Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
oral biology Master's Not required
oral biology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Etiopathogenesis and Treatment of Periodontal and Periapical Diseases This line of research aims to study the mechanisms involved in periapical and periodontal alterations, aiming to analyze their relationship with systemic diseases, as well as to identify new treatment strategies for these conditions.
Etiopathogenesis and Treatment in Stomatology The objectives of this line of research involve the evaluation of the pathophysiology of diseases affecting the oral mucosa and salivary glands, including oral cancer, focusing on the clinical, immunological, and pathological aspects of these conditions, in order to identify new forms of prevention and treatment of such diseases.
Pediatric Oral Health This line of research aims to evaluate new approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of oral cavity disorders, focusing on the management of pediatric patients.
Restorative and Reconstructive Dentistry This line of research focuses on developing new technologies and approaches aimed at aesthetic and functional oral rehabilitation, using laboratory and clinical assessment methodologies. It also includes new approaches for the orthodontic, orthopedic, and surgical correction of orofacial deformities, seeking to improve the diagnosis and management of patients with these conditions.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Biomechanics, Pain and Orofacial Dysfunction This line of research is aimed to analyze the pathophysiology of orofacial pain, temporomandibular dysfunction, bruxism and parafunctional habits, focusing on the biomechanical characterization of the stomatognathic system and its reflexes on the organism, seeking to identify new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for these conditions.
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering This line of research aims at the development and evaluation of the efficacy and safety of new dental materials, as well as innovative tissue engineering strategies, focusing on tissue regeneration and the reduction of infectious oral complications.
Microbiology and Oral Immunology This line of research aims to develop research with a specific focus on oral microbiology and oral immunology, for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
COD Workload Description
31357-02 30 This course introduces the core theories about emotion, its development and its relationship with cognitive processes.
Professors Home time Lattes
ADRIANE XAVIER ARTECHE 13 years and 2 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Education Master's Not required
Education Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Education theories and cultures Seeks to explore the relationship between anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology and education, by discussing political and cultural conditions in education. It brings together theoretical and empirical theories and research, so improving our understanding of the diversity of the human experience in the different processes of development.
People and education It studies education as a process that involves the person's non-development, training and self-training, highlighting its intertwining as health and well-being. It hosts interdisciplinary studies and research that enhance the pedagogical dimension of human experience in its interactions as biological, psychosocial, biographical, cultural aspects of two subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society.
Education training, policies and practices Seeks to explore educational processes in different training settings, from socio-political, historical and cultural perspectives, aiming at a critical analysis of policies, training practices, and educational planning in different contexts. It scrutinizes pedagogical practices in several degrees and types of education, enabling insights for decision making regarding changes in society and in the educational process.
Education in Science and Mathematics (ESM) Studies teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics in different training spaces, using theoretical and methodological contributions related to education through research; epistemologically linked to the domain of language, to inter and transdisciplinarity – to science and the nature of being and to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with initial and continuing teacher training, in Basic Education and Higher Education. It covers research involving scientific and technological development, scientific literacy and the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal spaces of education.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Evolutionary Psychology
COD Workload Description
31372-02 30 This course introduces the concepts and fundamental assumptions of Evolutionary Psychology, as well as it presents classic studies and current empirical evidence of this approach.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Experimental Cognitive Psychopathology
COD Workload Description
313B4-02 30 This course focuses on the main cognitive models of trauma-related disorders - from the perspective of experimental cognitive psychopathology, and on the cognitive-behavioral approaches (psychotherapy and experimental interventions) used in the treatment of these disorders.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Eyewitness Testimony
COD Workload Description
31369-02 30 The course focuses on the scientific advances in the field of Eyewitness Testimony, based on scientific parameters of the functioning of human memory, as it seeks to analyze the processes useful for an eyewitness to accurately remember events, including the identification of the people involved there.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Gender, Sexuality and Race in Labor Relations
COD Workload Description
196IL-03 45 The discipline seeks studies that assess the impact of social attitudes (stigma, discrimination, prejudice and moral and sexual harassment) on its targets in work and educational contexts. This discipline contextualizes and deepens the urgency to apprehend the dimension of intersectionalities as studies about social markers and their influence on psychosocial processes. In the field of labor studies, it is still necessary to explain and theoretically deepen the interdependence of social relations of race, sex and class, called "intersectionalities". of intersectionalities (gender, race and social class, among others) in the contexts of gender relations and sexual diversity, presenting different theoretical-practical approaches in the field.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
HIV/AIDS, health, education and society
COD Workload Description
313E4-04 60 The course discusses different theoretical perspectives and fundamental articles in the field of studies on HIV/AIDS. It looks to further understand how the response to the epidemic has been built at the international, national and local levels, in view of these different models. It addresses the changes still in discussions on sex/gender and sexuality and their connection to political and technical discussions in the field of HIV/AIDS. Articles, movie reviews and workshops featuring professionals who work in management, health care, social movements and research groups linked to HIV/AIDS will be addressed in the course.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Health Contexts in Clinical Psychology
COD Workload Description
313B9-02 30 This course addresses: Biopsychosocial Model of Health for explaining human behavior; the health-disease continuum; risk behaviors, lifestyle and social support; health promotion, prevention, stress-associated illness, adherence to medical treatment, chronic and terminal diseases, quality of life; health Psychology in specific populations and different intervention locations; methodology applied to research in Health Psychology; the care and the caregiver; bioethics; the terminal patient and their family.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Integrity and Ethics on Research
COD Workload Description
19302-02 30 Nowadays, with the free access to knowledge and data through social networks and the Internet, the number of cases of misconduct in research execution and publication around the world is increasing, leading to the loss of the credibility of scientific publications. This course aims to guide students about good research practices, from the projects execution to the results communication and publication, stressing the importance of research data adequate registration.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Required
Medical Practice Doctorate Required
Nephrology Master's Required
Nephrology Doctorate Required
Neurosciences Master's Required
Neurosciences Doctorate Required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Learning from Life Experiences
COD Workload Description
1968F-01 15 The biographical approach and its aspects, the theoretical perspective of experiential knowledge, the challenges inscribed in the identification of learning that emerges from lived experiences, forms of analysis and interpretation of narrative.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Life and Work Projects
COD Workload Description
1968K-03 45 This course will present the classic and contemporary paradigms in the field of professional and career guidance. It will explore the relationship between career development and the world of work, contemplating the debate about decent work, precarious work and unemployment. It will stimulate the reflection on, and proposition of strategies and competencies necessary for the development and maintenance of employability and occupation.
Professors Home time Lattes
MANOELA ZIEBELL DE OLIVEIRA 10 years and 2 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Lifestyle, Self-Care and Mental Health
COD Workload Description
196EF-04 60 This course will discuss different approaches and tools to understand, maintain or modify healthy behavior and habits, focusing on improving lifestyle and quality of life. This course will include practical experiences and discussion regarding self-care and stablishing a healthy relationship with food, exercise and sleep. Objectives: - Experience the possible changes in lifestyle, self-care on physical and mental health, based on the constructs of Psychology; - Discuss the impact of lifestyle habits on physical and mental health, as well as well-being; - Understand the theoretical concepts of maintenance or modification of lifestyle as an emancipatory practice and self-care and its relation with mental health; - Present and develop concepts, practices and skills for health promotion and health literacy; - Promote healthy habits and train students to be multipliers of these concepts and practices; - Develop skills through theory and practical experiences that develop the autonomy and empowerment for behaviour change, based on the constructs of Psychology. - Promote Interprofessional experience in theory and practice about maintaining or changing lifestyle. Content: Unit I – Effects of health on well-being x effects of well-being on health; Unit II – Developing self-efficacy based on behavioral changes in health; Unit III – Health literacy: a search for autonomy and empowerment in health; Methodological procedures: • Exhibition-dialogued lectures; • Practical classes; • Seminars; • Individual and group works; • Speeches; • Realistic Simulation; • Case studies; • Online mediation. Resources: Classroom, Laboratory of Science and Art of Food; Sports Park; Tecnopuc; Living 360; Virtual environment: Moodle and Zoom. Procedures and evaluation criteria 1. A proposal of intervention to promote self-efficacy, well-being and/or health to direct application to a specific population or context. 2. A proposal of a technical product to promote self-efficacy, physical and/or mental health and changes in healthy lifestyle and behavior. Examples of technical products: informative videos, youtube channel, podcast, booklet, app, etc.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Mixed Methods for Research in Psychology
COD Workload Description
31360-02 30 This course addresses: History and conceptual development of mixed epistemology for research in Psychology; Characteristics of mixed methodology models in Psychology research; Complementarity and reversibility between quantitative and qualitative data; degree of suitability of the mixed method to research problems; Applications in empirical research in Psychology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Narrative Approaches
COD Workload Description
1968G-01 15 Verbal and non-verbal communication; notions of attitude, the nondirective approach in communication, principles of biographical research in education, the construction of the narrative, the approach of the explanatory interview: theory and method.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Neurobiology of Stress
COD Workload Description
19347-02 30 Explore the concepts of stress, health and disease, with a particular focus on historical and current literature. It will address multiple dimensions in the study of stress: genetics, epigenetics, molecular, cellular, physiological and cognitive, especially in the context of immunoendocrine and neuroscientific research. Study of the individual response to stress, as genetic and environmental factors play a role, as it translates into physiological and mental conditions and pathological or health conditions.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
COD Workload Description
21350-02 30 This course discusses the theoretical, methodological and practical assumptions underlying clinical, developmental, cognitive and academic neuropsychology. It also looks at processing of cognitive functions: neuropsychological assessment and intervention (prevention and treatment).
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Pharmacology of Inflammation
COD Workload Description
23394-02 30 This course is intended to address several aspects related to the pharmacology of inflammation, namely: biochemical and molecular aspects of inflammatory events, with emphasis on pharmacological modulation. The main vascular and cellular alterations in response to different stimuli will be addressed. To follow are some topics of interest: (1) study of inflammatory response mediators, including those derived from mastocytes (histamine and serotonin), lipid mediators (prostanoids and leukotrienes), peptidic mediators (bradikinin and neurokinin), cytocines and growth factors, chemotactic factors, complement system mediators, nitric oxide, among others; (2) components of the resolution phase of inflammation, involving endogenous mediators related to the re-establishment of homeostasis and tissue repair; (3) main groups of cells involved in several phases of inflammation and their connection to immune response; (4) main receptors and signaling routes, as well as the components of intracellular transduction systems; (5) inflammation associated with infection and systemic inflammatory response; (6) correlation between inflammation and cancer; (7) regulatory aspects of the transcription of molecules implied in inflammatory response; (8) study of mechanisms of action of main drugs used in the treatment of inflammation; (9) chronic inflammatory diseases.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Practice and Innovation in Research I
COD Workload Description
3130A-01 15 This course focuses on principles and practices of student advising and management of research groups. The course addresses the development of skills and competences that will enable students to prepare for a career in academic research.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Practice and Innovation in Research II
COD Workload Description
313B1-01 15 This course focuses on aspects applied in the search and capture of resources in public notices. The addresses the development of skills and competences that will enable students to prepare for a career in academic research.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Practice and Innovation in Research III
COD Workload Description
313B2-01 15 This course focuses on strategies for the development of research projects in a context of internationalization, interdisciplinarity and innovation. The course addresses the development of skills and competences that will enable students to prepare for a career in academic research.
Professors Home time Lattes
IRANI IRACEMA DE LIMA ARGIMON 36 years and 2 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Practice and Innovation in Research IV
COD Workload Description
313B3-01 15 This course focuses on strategies aimed at: (a) publishing and disseminating scientific knowledge, (b) transferring knowledge to society and (c) consolidating research networks. The course addresses the development of skills and competences that will enable students to prepare for a career in academic research.
Professors Home time Lattes
IRANI IRACEMA DE LIMA ARGIMON 36 years and 2 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Practice in Medical Research Software
COD Workload Description
63348-04 60 Knowing how to use computer tools is fundamental for conducting research in health. This course is intended to explore, in a practical way, important software for medical research. The focus will be on online resources, spreadsheets, graphic programs, statistical programs, word processors, and bibliographic reference management.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Cellular and Molecular Biology Master's Not required
Cellular and Molecular Biology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Cell Structure and Metabolism To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Characterization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their effects on the growth and modulation of plants' secondary metabolism. Investigation into the morphological and pathophysiological basis and treatment for several diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, vascular accidents, depression, PTSD, epilepsy and diabetes. Characterization of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in inflammation and sepsis and investigation into drugs with potential anti-inflammatory action.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Development of vaccines and immunotherapies for cancer. Study of the immunosuppressive mechanisms using heat shock proteins in autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection. Investigation of psycho-neuroendocrine determinants of premature aging and immune system in healthy elderly individuals, patients with rheumatoid arthritis and bipolar disorder. Investigation into the impacts of premature stress in cognitive functions and inflammatory markers in healthy adolescents, those with bipolar disorder, and crack and cocaine addicts.
Cellular and Molecular Characterization in Microbiology and Parasitology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Development of new diagnostic methods for Schistosoma mansoni and Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Identification of relevant molecules involved in the immunological recognition of the host and ectoparasites, such as Rhipicephalus microplus and others affecting cattle. Isolation, cloning and expression of cDNAs of molecules and analysis of their potential immunoprotective effect. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance, virulence and clonal relations of important human and animal pathogenic agents. Investigation of phenotypes of bacterial persistence involved in the tolerance to antimicrobial agents.
Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Analysis of molecular markers in complex human diseases and analysis of molecular markers for forensic purposes. Phylogeny and molecular evolution of mammals. Genetics, evolution, ecology and conservation of carnivores. Evolutionary genetics of hair color of felidae. Molecular identification of biodiversity. Evolutionary and environmental genomics.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Animal models (zebra fish and rodents) intended to investigate the biological bases of neuropsychiatric diseases, neurodevelopment, neurotoxicology, neuropharmacology, learning and memory. In humans: aging and neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment and its association with hormone and neurotrophin levels.
Molecular Biology in the Drug/Target Interaction To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Control and treatment of tuberculosis (drug-resistant tuberculosis) Identification of lead compounds based on defined targets, rational development of vaccines, development and validation on new diagnostic methods of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and new emerging genotypes. Additionally, students will make use of computer simulations in order to analyze the protein-ligand interactions. As well as this, it will address the structural study of target proteins, analysis of protein-ligand interactions and the development of bioinformatics tools. Lastly, it will focus on a description of mechanisms involved in pain, inflammation and cancer.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Principles of Molecular Biology
COD Workload Description
63416-02 30 This course is intended to introduce students to the main theoretical and practical concepts of the area of molecular biology, applied to the health area, focusing on the main current scientific topics of molecular biology therapies.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Cellular and Molecular Biology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Cell Structure and Metabolism To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Characterization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their effects on the growth and modulation of plants' secondary metabolism. Investigation into the morphological and pathophysiological basis and treatment for several diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, vascular accidents, depression, PTSD, epilepsy and diabetes. Characterization of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in inflammation and sepsis and investigation into drugs with potential anti-inflammatory action.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Development of vaccines and immunotherapies for cancer. Study of the immunosuppressive mechanisms using heat shock proteins in autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection. Investigation of psycho-neuroendocrine determinants of premature aging and immune system in healthy elderly individuals, patients with rheumatoid arthritis and bipolar disorder. Investigation into the impacts of premature stress in cognitive functions and inflammatory markers in healthy adolescents, those with bipolar disorder, and crack and cocaine addicts.
Cellular and Molecular Characterization in Microbiology and Parasitology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Development of new diagnostic methods for Schistosoma mansoni and Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Identification of relevant molecules involved in the immunological recognition of the host and ectoparasites, such as Rhipicephalus microplus and others affecting cattle. Isolation, cloning and expression of cDNAs of molecules and analysis of their potential immunoprotective effect. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance, virulence and clonal relations of important human and animal pathogenic agents. Investigation of phenotypes of bacterial persistence involved in the tolerance to antimicrobial agents.
Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Analysis of molecular markers in complex human diseases and analysis of molecular markers for forensic purposes. Phylogeny and molecular evolution of mammals. Genetics, evolution, ecology and conservation of carnivores. Evolutionary genetics of hair color of felidae. Molecular identification of biodiversity. Evolutionary and environmental genomics.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Animal models (zebra fish and rodents) intended to investigate the biological bases of neuropsychiatric diseases, neurodevelopment, neurotoxicology, neuropharmacology, learning and memory. In humans: aging and neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment and its association with hormone and neurotrophin levels.
Molecular Biology in the Drug/Target Interaction To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Control and treatment of tuberculosis (drug-resistant tuberculosis) Identification of lead compounds based on defined targets, rational development of vaccines, development and validation on new diagnostic methods of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and new emerging genotypes. Additionally, students will make use of computer simulations in order to analyze the protein-ligand interactions. As well as this, it will address the structural study of target proteins, analysis of protein-ligand interactions and the development of bioinformatics tools. Lastly, it will focus on a description of mechanisms involved in pain, inflammation and cancer.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
COD Workload Description
31356-02 30 This course addresses basic and applied research regarding the psychobiological and molecular aspects of mental disorders. It also discusses cognitive neuroscience of mental disorders.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Psychological Assessment
COD Workload Description
21343-02 30 This course addresses: Definition of the process of psychological assessment in a clinical context; Objectives and steps to be taken in the psychological assessment process; Psychological assessment methods and techniques; Psychometric quality of the assessment procedures; Creation and adaptation of instruments; Clinical management of assessment techniques: intelligence, personality and cognition; Use of psychological assessment techniques in research; Diagnosis and classification of psychological problems; Interpretation and integration of data; Returning results of psychological assessments in research and preparation of written documents; Ethical issues involved in psychological assessment.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Psychology and Organizations: Career Development at Work
COD Workload Description
313B6-02 30 The course discusses aspects of research and practice in career development and work in organizations considering individual, organizational and contextual aspects. In regard to individual aspects, the four problems of the self will be addressed (i.e., knowledge, direction, identity, and condition) within the domains of contemporary theoretical models of career choice and development. With respect to organizational aspects, it will discuss the concerns and best practices for carrying out research and interventions related to the development of individuals¿ careers in organizations. Finally, the discussion of the contextual aspects will address some research topics and focuses of practice and policies of contemporary organizations, such as gender and cultural diversity.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
19694-03 45 The purpose of the present course is to build advanced knowledge in psychometrics’ theories and techniques. Using a challenge-based methodology and projects, it is expected the course to enable the students to understand, in a practical way, the development of psychometric measures from the theoretical to the analytical phases. The fundamentals of the psychometric measure will be addressed, from the psychophysical measures to the modern techniques, like Item Response Theory and Network Analysis. In attending this course, the students will be able to develop, adapt and refine psychometric measures. The student will develop a wide range analytical skill to estimate the psychometric parameters of reliability and validity, through advanced tools in the R environment. The course is designed to any area of knowledge that uses psychometric measures or techniques.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
31359-02 30 This course will look at the relationships between the psychological aspects and the neuroendocrinological and immunological systems
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Qualitative Research in Psychology I
COD Workload Description
31387-02 30 This course presents and analyzes the main contributions of qualitative approaches in the production of scientific knowledge. It analyzes the epistemological perspectives, principles, ethical implications, instruments and techniques. In addition to that, it looks at qualitative research designs in Psychology, methodological resources and research strategies. Lastly, it discusses advantages, limitations and implications of the use of qualitative methods for research in Psychology.
Professors Home time Lattes
MANOELA ZIEBELL DE OLIVEIRA 10 years and 2 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Qualitative Research in Psychology II
COD Workload Description
313A7-03 45 The course discusses different research designs that employ qualitative models. It addresses epistemological background of qualitative methods as well as data collection and analysis techniques.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Quantitative Research in Psychology I
COD Workload Description
31386-02 30 This course presents and discusses quantitative methods in the broader context of scientific knowledge. It is concerned with the identification of the main methods for treatment and analysis of the most common quantitative data in the field of Psychology. It addresses the advantages, limitations and implications of using these quantitative methods for interpreting results of contemporary research in psychology. It enables the theoretical-practical use of the main quantitative data treatment techniques and the writing and interpretation of results.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Quantitative Research in Psychology II
COD Workload Description
313A6-03 45 This course presents and discusses quantitative methods in the broader context of scientific knowledge. It is concerned with the identification of the main methods for the treatment and analysis of the most common quantitative data in the field of Psychology. It addresses the advantages, limitations and implications of using these quantitative methods for interpreting results of contemporary research in psychology. It enables the theoretical-practical use of the main quantitative data treatment techniques and the writing and interpretation of results.
Professors Home time Lattes
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Research Methodology: Methods and techniques
COD Workload Description
7334J-01 15 Designing and adhering to the appropriate methodology is fundamental for improving the quality of research. The methodology may differ from problem to problem, yet the basic approach towards research remains the same.
Professors Home time Lattes
FREDERICO ORLANDO FRIEDRICH 2 years and 1 month Link
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Scientific Publication in Psychology
COD Workload Description
31324-02 30 This course addresses: Theory and practice of scientific writing and reading; Ethics for scientific publications; Organization of scientific manuscripts; Types of publications; Editorial workflow and assessment systems.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Scientific Research Dynamics and Policies
COD Workload Description
7311B-02 30 This course intends to foster discussions on research policies in Brazil, including the assessment criteria employed by CAPES as well as scientometrics criteria. It also discusses the means for obtaining funding for scientific projects with an eye to meeting the different criteria set forth in specific projects. Additionally, one of the goals of the course is to discuss the scientific career both in Brazil and overseas and the possibilities for getting into the market. The course will discuss the differences between the areas of concentration as well as regional differences and other controversial topics in science. The peer-review process will be addressed, for both projects and scientific papers submitted to indexed journals. Part of the classes will be devoted for discussions on the ethical aspects of research, including issues such as plagiarism, co-authorship, publication of negative results, among others. Students will receive specific training to properly advise final papers as well as theses and dissertations.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Master's Not required
Biochemical and Molecular Pharmacology Doctorate Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Master's Not required
Biomedical Gerontology Doctorate Not required
CTBMF Master's Not required
CTBMF Doctorate Not required
Cellular and Molecular Biology Master's Not required
Cellular and Molecular Biology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Clinical Stomatology Master's Not required
Clinical Stomatology Doctorate Not required
Dental Materials Master's Not required
Dental Materials Doctorate Not required
Dental Prosthetics Master's Not required
Dental Prosthetics Doctorate Not required
Ecology and Evolution of Biodiversity Master's Not required
Ecology and Evolution of Biodiversity Doctorate Not required
Endodontics Master's Not required
Endodontics Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Nephrology Master's Not required
Nephrology Doctorate Not required
Neurosciences Master's Not required
Neurosciences Doctorate Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Master's Not required
Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics Doctorate Not required
Pediatrics Master's Not required
Pediatrics Doctorate Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Restorative Dentistry Master's Not required
Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Surgical Practice Master's Not required
Surgical Practice Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of mechanisms involved in inflammatory and nociceptive alterations
Drug Development This line of research has been designed for the development of drugs against neglected tropical diseases (tuberculosis and malaria) and the development of drugs against chronic and degenerative diseases.
Evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment This line of research is concerned with the evaluation of pharmacological targets in cancer treatment and inflammation.
Analysis and evaluation of neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms in neurological diseases Study of the neurochemical roots and pharmacological targets in neurological diseases.
Biological Aspects of Aging This line of research is intended for the study of basic biological characteristics that play a role in the process of aging at the molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic and evolutionary levels, as well as their forms of interaction with environmental factors in animal models and human beings (in vitro and in vivo).
Clinical and Emotional Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the elderly and aging. Some of the most commonly researched topics are: geriatric syndromes (cognitive impairment, postural instability, immobility, fecal incontinence, iatrogenesis, communication disorder), frailty syndrome, brain aging, mental health, osteomuscular aging, cardiometabolic risk factors and nutrition.
Social-cultural, Demographic and Bioethical Aspects of Aging This line is geared towards the study of social, cultural, economic, demographic and bioethical aspects involved in the process of aging.
Aging and Public Health This line of research is intended to study the conditions of life, health and health care received and provided to the elderly, including long-living patients. It is intended to assess primary and secondary health care services, to design of instruments for monitoring access, service routines and care provided to the elderly and long-living patients in the public health care network. Additionally, it will investigate the natural history of diseases and health conditions as well as health prevention and control, in view of the socio-demographic variables, health indicators, life styles, functional capacity, psycho-social competences and quality of life.
Cell Structure and Metabolism To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Characterization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their effects on the growth and modulation of plants' secondary metabolism. Investigation into the morphological and pathophysiological basis and treatment for several diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, vascular accidents, depression, PTSD, epilepsy and diabetes. Characterization of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in inflammation and sepsis and investigation into drugs with potential anti-inflammatory action.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Development of vaccines and immunotherapies for cancer. Study of the immunosuppressive mechanisms using heat shock proteins in autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection. Investigation of psycho-neuroendocrine determinants of premature aging and immune system in healthy elderly individuals, patients with rheumatoid arthritis and bipolar disorder. Investigation into the impacts of premature stress in cognitive functions and inflammatory markers in healthy adolescents, those with bipolar disorder, and crack and cocaine addicts.
Cellular and Molecular Characterization in Microbiology and Parasitology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Development of new diagnostic methods for Schistosoma mansoni and Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Identification of relevant molecules involved in the immunological recognition of the host and ectoparasites, such as Rhipicephalus microplus and others affecting cattle. Isolation, cloning and expression of cDNAs of molecules and analysis of their potential immunoprotective effect. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance, virulence and clonal relations of important human and animal pathogenic agents. Investigation of phenotypes of bacterial persistence involved in the tolerance to antimicrobial agents.
Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Analysis of molecular markers in complex human diseases and analysis of molecular markers for forensic purposes. Phylogeny and molecular evolution of mammals. Genetics, evolution, ecology and conservation of carnivores. Evolutionary genetics of hair color of felidae. Molecular identification of biodiversity. Evolutionary and environmental genomics.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Animal models (zebra fish and rodents) intended to investigate the biological bases of neuropsychiatric diseases, neurodevelopment, neurotoxicology, neuropharmacology, learning and memory. In humans: aging and neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment and its association with hormone and neurotrophin levels.
Molecular Biology in the Drug/Target Interaction To follow is a list of topics this line of research is concerned with: Control and treatment of tuberculosis (drug-resistant tuberculosis) Identification of lead compounds based on defined targets, rational development of vaccines, development and validation on new diagnostic methods of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and new emerging genotypes. Additionally, students will make use of computer simulations in order to analyze the protein-ligand interactions. As well as this, it will address the structural study of target proteins, analysis of protein-ligand interactions and the development of bioinformatics tools. Lastly, it will focus on a description of mechanisms involved in pain, inflammation and cancer.
Ecology and Conservation This line of research encompasses projects focusing on ecological relationships among organisms and with their environment, including studies of autecology, ecophysiology, behavior, population dynamics and community ecology, as well as projects aiming to provide scientific bases for biodiversity conservation strategies.
Systematics and Evolution The research line brings together projects related to the evolution of biodiversity, including studies in phylogenetic systematics (using morphological and molecular data, including phylogenomics), taxonomy, comparative morphology, biogeography, evolutionary genetics, and comparative genomics.
The research line brings together projects focused on the use of large amounts of information ('big data') and the development of innovative data mining and analysis methodologies (e.g., employing machine learning) to investigate issues related to the characterization, monitoring, and conservation of biodiversity
The research line encompasses projects aimed at applying ecological data, biodiversity component analyses, and/or interdisciplinary studies to solve problems with more direct socio-environmental and/or economic impact. This includes studies in the fields of ecotoxicology and environmental microbiology with a focus on the characterization, monitoring, and mitigation of environmental impacts, as well as the development of more sustainable agricultural methods using components of Brazil's native biodiversity. It also includes projects aimed at developing innovative products from biodiversity sources and/or integrating biodiversity analyses into regional economic development models with a focus on environmental sustainability.
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Neurology/ stem cells This line of research is concerned with the assessment of the possibility of regeneration of central and peripheral neurological injuries resulting from neurodegenerative diseases, with somatic stem cells, as well as with the study of the structural and functional mechanisms of regeneration from injuries.
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry This line of research will look at the neurobiology of psychiatric diseases and behavioral alterations in major neurological diseases.
Cognitive brain imaging This line of research will look at the development of new techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging and studies of neural bases of superior cognitive processes (for instance, language comprehension and acquisition, executive functions, spatial reasoning).
Neurotoxic activity of ureases and derived peptides This line of research will address the neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory activities of ureases of different organisms. It will also address the methodologies of study of neurotoxicity relying on the use of insects-models. As well as this, it will look at ureases as virulence factors for pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Proteus mirabilis and Cryptococcu yeasts.
Neuroinflammation/Multiple Sclerosis/ neuromyelitis optica The inflammation resulting from neurological diseases may be primarily involved with the physiopathology of immunomediated diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, ADEM - acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis and some neurological complications resulting directly or indirectly from viral or bacterial infections (e.g. meningoencephalitis). In other diseases, the inflammation plays a major role, but less clear than it is in strokes and in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The deregulation in the immune system, be it either temporary or permanent, may lead to injuries in the brain, bone marrow and peripheral nerves that cause permanent neuronal damage with the risk of aftereffects and permanent incapacity. By relying on advanced methods in molecular biology associated with clinical and imaging assessment (magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine), we have conducted research that is intended to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory substances such as cytokines, chemokines, the production of autoantibodies, complement system activation, proliferation / maturation of autoreactive lymphocytes T and B, microglial activation and the alteration of the blood-brain barrier. Besides, we have conducted research for the identification of specific biomarkers for each disease which may assist in the establishment of better diagnosis/prognosis and in experimental animal models for the study of physiopathology and innovative therapeutic interventions.
Epilepsy This line of research will cover clinical and electroencephalographic, pharmacological, neuroimaging and surgical studies in the realm of epilepsy. The direct involvement of São Lucas Hospital with the diagnosis, clinical treatment and epilepsy surgery opens interesting perspectives of investigation, seeking diagnostic refinement, new treatment options and the correlations of epileptic syndromes with structural alterations of the brain.
The central nervous system (CNS) formation stages can be considered a great concert with the regency of different signaling molecules that trigger a cascade of dependent and complementary processes until the formation of all CNS structures as well as their different functionalities. The human brain is a puzzle of more than 100 billion pieces that must be accurately directed to its unique and specific location. The studies of Molecurar Bases of Embryonic Neurogenesis presents a comprehensive view of understanding the CNS, from its embryonic formation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, guiding clinical and pathological situations related to cerebral malformations and new therapeutic alternatives for CNS recovery. The use of molecular techniques as next-generation sequencing (NGS), super arrays, relative expression, genotyping, etc., are used to describe signaling pathways, genesis of pathologies, and application of precision medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The cell reprogramming at the embryonic level through the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) helps to understand embryonic neurogenesis and screening of new drugs for the treatment of alterations during the formation of the central nervous system and its associated pathologies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Fluency in oral reading is a crucial skill for children and adolescents, involving the ability to read a text with accuracy, appropriate expression, and at a determined pace. Artificial intelligence has enabled considerable advances in activities that previously required time and attention from specialized professionals, also offering the advantage of impartial evaluation. Moreover, a significant portion of students in Brazil presents literacy difficulties associated with reading skills and lacks adequate assistance and diagnosis for conditions such as dyslexia. This research line aims to encompass research projects at the intersection of health, education, and artificial intelligence. The studies seek to investigate tools for assessing oral reading through innovative technologies, which can be used by health professionals in collaboration with educators. These tools aim to assist in identifying the level of reading development, factors influencing these skills, association with academic performance, early screening of signs of difficulties and disorders affecting reading fluency, differential diagnoses, as well as the appropriate medical/educational conduct.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome This line is concerned with research in the area of obesity and metabolic syndrome with consequences in co-morbidities involved or related to the aforementioned pathologies.
Epidemiological, Clinicopathological, Radiological and Molecular aspects of malignant neoplasms. This area of concentration is intended to describe patients who suffer from malignant neoplasms in their different clinical stages, as well as to assess their clinical outcome by looking at the clinical, histopathological, radiological and molecular variables. Studies in this area may be accountable for addressing some issues that are still controversial among the scientific community.
Videolaparoscopic Surgery This area of concentration is intended to assess the advantages of the procedures conducted using less invasive techniques.
Social emotional competences
COD Workload Description
196K5-02 30 Introduces the concept of social-emotional competences and analyzes its effects on different indicators of individual well-being and social progress. It also discusses strategies to develop them.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Special Topics in Psychology
COD Workload Description
313E5-01 15 This course will be offered in an intensive mode by external professors invited by the Graduate Program in Psychology who will be addressing specific topics on relevant national and international issues in Psychology and similar areas.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics in Psychology II
COD Workload Description
313G6-01 15 This course aims to stimulate both the integration and the debate between researchers, professors and students from different areas of concentration and different lines of research in the field of Psychology. The course will be organized through the presentation of different current topics of research in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors to the Postgraduate Program in Psychology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics in Psychology IV
COD Workload Description
19691-01 15 This course aims to stimulate both the integration and the debate between researchers, professors and students from different areas of concentration and different lines of research in the field of Psychology. The course will be organized through the presentation of different current topics of research in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors to the Postgraduate Program in Psychology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics in Psychology V
COD Workload Description
19692-01 15 This course aims to stimulate both the integration and the debate between researchers, professors and students from different areas of concentration and different lines of research in the field of Psychology. The course will be organized through the presentation of different current topics of research in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors to the Postgraduate Program in Psychology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics in Psychology VI
COD Workload Description
1968H-01 15 This course aims to present current topics of research in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors to the Postgraduate Program in Psychology. This course aims to stimulate both the integration and the debate between researchers, professors, and students on relevant topics. The students are encouraged to reflect and discuss the method and the themes of presentations.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics in Psychology VII
COD Workload Description
1968I-01 15 This course aims to stimulate both the integration and the debate between researchers, professors and students. The course will be organized through the presentation of different current topics of research in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors to the Postgraduate Program in Psychology. This course addresses current themes in Psychology, allowing a critical reflection on the method used in the research.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics in Psychology VIII
COD Workload Description
1968J-01 15 This course aims to present current topics of research in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors to the Postgraduate Program in Psychology. This course aims to stimulate both the integration and the debate between researchers, professors, and students on relevant topics. The students are encouraged to reflect and discuss the method and the themes of presentations.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Special Topics inPsychology III
COD Workload Description
19649-01 15 This course aims to stimulate both the ingration and the debate between researchers, professors anstudents froom different areas of concentration an different lines os recherach in the field os Psychology. The course will be organized through the presentation of different current topics of reserach in Psychology and will be presented by invited external professors ti the Postgraduate Program in Psychology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Stigma and Prejudice
COD Workload Description
19695-04 60 This discipline will be composed of directed readings regarding in the themes Stigma and Prejudice. The aim is to establish a set of basic references based on readings of classical and contemporary texts in the field of Psychology, Social Sciences and Law. In addition, interfaces will be created with current debates in the Brazilian context, such as prejudice regarding markers such as race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, among others.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Subject, Psychology and Public Policies
COD Workload Description
31364-02 30 This course discusses different conceptions of subjects and health in different Psychology approaches, as it brings together psychological practices and their effects on Public Policies.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Summer School LGBTQ+Psychology in Developmental and Clinical Settings
COD Workload Description
196K4-02 30 The Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology and the "be as you are" counseling service for the study and clinic of sexual orientations and gender identities at the University of Rome – Sapienza, in collaboration with the PPG in Psychology at PUCRS and the PPG in Social Psychology at UFRGS, proposes this training action for: (a) the dissemination of the most recent studies, knowledge and research results on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTQ+); (b) the study and promotion of good practices and effective policies aimed at the inclusion of sexual and gender minorities in Brazil. This action is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in particular with Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and Goal 16 to promote peaceful and inclusive societies oriented towards sustainable development, ensuring access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. The training activity aims to promote two areas: a) the exploration, dissemination and transfer of knowledge acquired by the University of Rome with regard to LGBTQ+ Studies; b) Promote new sustainable models of local development in terms of gender from an inclusive and ecological perspective, also in relation to the 2030 agenda.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Teacher Training Seminar
COD Workload Description
31399-02 30 This course addresses: Teacher training. Nature of the teaching work; Stages of the teaching process: planning, development and evaluation; Pedagogical strategies promoting the teaching-learning process.
Professors Home time Lattes
ALEXANDRE ANSELMO GUILHERME 8 years and 7 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories ad research on psychosocial processes, practices and contexts
COD Workload Description
196K1-02 30 It presents theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives of Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge such as education, social sciences, philosophy, law, and collective health. It discusses studies on different dimensions of social psychology in different contexts, such as school, health, work, politics, group processes and organizations and the relationships between subjects and institutions. It promotes reflection about the phenomena from the psychosocial perspective.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and Interventions in Situations of Violence
COD Workload Description
313B8-02 30 This course addresses: Theories and approaches of analysis on different types of violence; Impact of violence on human development; Evidence-based practices for assessment, prevention and intervention in violence situations; Methods used for research on violence.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and Methods in Clinical Psychology
COD Workload Description
31395-02 30 The course focuses on topics in Psychology and Clinical Psychology, as well as on the history and conceptual basis of Clinical Psychology. Current themes and issues on the field, the methods, research result, processes, and ethics in Clinical Psychology are discussed.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and Methods in Human Cognition
COD Workload Description
31393-02 30 This course looks at the basic and applied research related to the theoretical and methodological aspects of Human Cognition.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and Methods in Social Psychology
COD Workload Description
31398-02 30 This course addresses the theories and methods that support the epistemological discussion in Contemporary Social Psychology. It also looks at the theoretical and methodological contributions, classic and current ones, which introduce the area and underlie psychological research in the social field.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and Research on Well-being and quality of life
COD Workload Description
196K3-02 30 It presents the psychological processes involved in the promotion of well-being, health and quality of life, from an interdisciplinary approach. It promotes the development of innovative strategies in the investigation of the roles of beliefs, emotions and behaviors in health and illness processes.
Professors Home time Lattes
MARGARETH DA SILVA OLIVEIRA 38 years and 6 months Link
ANA MARIA PANDOLFO FEOLI 22 years and 2 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and Research on psychological assessment and interventions in mental health
COD Workload Description
196J1-02 30 It presents the foundations of the construction, adaptation and investigation of evidence of validity of psychological instruments, from the perspective of Psychometrics. It discusses studies on evaluation and interventions in the contexts of Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology. It promotes reflection on the use of different methods, theoretical and technical approaches in the development and evaluation of interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Theories and research on Cognition, Brain and Behavior
COD Workload Description
196K2-02 30 It presents theoretical and experimental models of neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience. It discusses neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. It promotes reflections on cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Master's Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Master's Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Master's Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
What to do and not to do in a systematic review and meta-analysis
COD Workload Description
196EL-02 30 The course seeks to provide an update on how to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Specifically, the course will address: Different forms of review, Narrative review (of traditional literature), Scope review and Systematic review and Meta analysis and meta analysis in a network. It will address the delimitation of the research question, Pre-registration of the protocol, Software for management. Choice of Data Sources. Election of keywords for the search. Search and storage of results (with and without management software). Selection of articles by abstract, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Extraction of data from selected articles. Evaluation of the quality of evidence from selected articles (qualitative, quantitative (RCTs and observational). Synthesis and interpretation of results in the form of Meta-analysis or Meta-synthesis. Writing of a systematic review article and scope. Checklist for submission (PRISMA and PRISMA-SCP) Assessment of the quality of systematic reviews (AMSTAR 1 and 2) and Frequent problems in systematic review and meta-analysis articles The course also has a practical part on the construction and supervision of ongoing reviews and meta-analysis.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Medical Practice Master's Not required
Medical Practice Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Society and Democracy Master's Not required
Society and Democracy Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Extra-renal dialysis and transplatation This line of research is intended for the study of different modalities of renal replacement therapies, with emphasis on organ transplantation, especially when it comes to immunology of transplants.
Clinical nephrology and arterial hypertension This line of research will address topics related to several aspects of clinical nephrology, renal function, arterial hypertension, renal and metabolic diseases.
Molecular Biology, immunology and stem cell This line of research is concerned with the study of molecular alterations in tumors, mainly those affecting the digestive and respiratory systems, through PCR techniques in real time, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and cell cultivation. It will also look at Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering.
Cardiology/Risk Factors and genetics factors in cardiovascular diseases This line of research is concerned with assessing risk factors for cardiovascular surgeries using markers; traditional risk factors (dyslipidemias, arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoke addiction) and potential emerging ones (apolipoprotein B,small and dense LDL cholesterol) in coronary heart diseases.
Cardiology/Cellular therapy This line of research is intended to assess the efficiency and safety of autologous implants of bone marrow stem cells in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy and in patients suffering from acute myocardial infarction.
Cellular metabolism and membrane transport in renal and metabolic diseases (or disease states) This line of research is designed for the study of physiopathogenic mechanisms of several renal and metabolic diseases.
Training and Faculty Development in Health
Study abdomen adult and elderly healthy and sick with new technologies in Diagnostic Imaging First of all, this line of research is intended to introduce students to different abdominal organs in advanced imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. It is intended to study the normal anatomy of these organs and tissues and their anatomic variations, thus allowing for a comparison between healthy and unhealthy individuals. With this, we intent to provide deeper insights into the abdomen's normal anatomy and its anatomic variation through new imaging technologies. Additionally, this line of research will determine the diagnostic imaging accuracy of gastrointestinal tract and urinary system diseases. We are intent on reaching an earlier and more precise diagnosis of the diseases of adult and elderly patients, thus increasing their survival. It has been designed to produce researchers and professors who want to work within this line of research responsible for studying the most common diseases in our population.
Clinical Epidemiology This area of concentration is intended to develop research in clinical epidemiology focusing on its methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research intends to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the progress in identification, intervention and promotion of determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Functional and Molecular Image of the Body Functional imaging is the state-of-the-art in diagnostic imaging. Magnetic Resonance made a giant leap in that direction through the employment of ultra-rapid acquisition techniques, which have enabled the measurement of variations in oxygen consumption levels arising from the BOLD effect and an estimation of the cellularity of tissues through the diffusion technique. PET has enabled Nuclear Medicine to measure the level of consumption of glucose in the tissue, by making use of ionizing radiation. It is largely employed in the investigation of tumors and metastasis, which have naturally increased the consumption of glucose due to a larger metabolic level. More recently, the Dynamic PET has enabled the assessment of the consumption of glucose over time and the measurement of the most active regions more precisely.
Epidemiology and Environmental Health This course is intended to encourage the development of research into the area of epidemiology and environmental health with an eye to the methodological and clinical aspects. This line of research seeks to encourage the development of research projects that contribute to the advancement of the identification, intervention and promotion of the determinants of the health-disease process in human population.
Technological Innovations in the Health Area Curently, we are seeing worldwide the fast development of technologies, proceedings and medicines focus at the most effective treatment of diseases and the restoration of health. This accelerated step with which medical knowledge progresses makes it necessary to create a new mentality in medical training, stimulating curiosity, the active search for knowledge and constant updating. The number and complexity of the scientific processes that lead to this evolution are also worthy of attention, both due to the need for training to understand them, as well as the work opportunity they represent for doctors in general.
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
Political Institutions and Democracy The goal of this line of research is to investigate the main political institutions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. National, sub-national and international state institutions (Executive and Legislative powers), relations between State and Society (Political Parties, Elections, Civil Society), Judicial Powers (at national and local levels) and Brazilian foreign policy are central research areas. Additionally, political behavior will be a topic of study both within political institutions (political elites) and among the population in general, considering both traditional forms of participation, such as voting, and alternative forms, such as direct and/or deliberative democracy mechanisms.
Citizenship, inequality and social politics It studies the dynamics of modern societies from the perspective of the development of citizenship and public policies, focusing on its legal framework, its implementation and its implications. Researches social inequality in its various manifestations and different dimensions, as well as the stratification patterns of Brazilian society. It analyzes conflicts, the formation of new social cleavages and innovations in disciplining and social control practices. It examines public security policies and the role of the state in fighting violent crime and guaranteeing human rights. It investigates transformations in labor relations, the emergence of alternative modes of production, distribution and consumption of goods, the trajectory of social movements and organizations and their potential for transforming society.
Diversity, generations and daily life It analyzes contemporary social processes in their interfaces with different manifestations of cultural diversity. It investigates the generational dimension and its relations with public policies and the performance of institutions and social actors with diverse positions. Research intersections between social markers of difference (age/generations, sex/gender, social class/origin, race/ethnicity, nationality) in the configuration of social and cultural processes. Develops research through methodologies such as biographical analysis, ethnography and studies of everyday life.
Political sociology of relations international It studies phenomena that go beyond national borders using the methodological tools of the social sciences. It approximates the theories of International Relations with the approaches mobilized in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Among the topics of interest in the line of research, the following stand out: (a) political activism and transnational social movements, international non-governmental organizations and their interactions with States in a multilevel perspective; (b) international migration in its political, cultural and social aspects; (c) political institutions and processes, including those related to democracy, the defense of human rights, integration and the production of public policies. It welcomes, in broader terms, all academic research topics that can benefit from the dialogue proposed in the political sociology of International Relations.
Writing Workshop
COD Workload Description
313C1-02 30 This course l addresses: Stages of writing a scientific article; A critical reflection on the stages of creation, autonomy and production of scientific knowledge in Psychology; Planning and writing scientific articles.
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
01385-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
196EG-02 30 To present and discuss the models of mental health care and the most used instruments to evaluate them, analyzing the challenges in the field of assessing the quality of mental health services. Objectives: - To present the main models of mental health care and discuss what are the main characteristics that psychosocial care services must have - Know the main models of quality assessment in mental health - To analyze in depth the model of evaluation of structure, process and results and the fourth generation models - To present the main instruments of quality assessment in the field of mental health Content: Unit I - Models of mental health care Unit II - Quality assessment of mental health services Unit III - Strategies and instruments for evaluating mental health services Methodological procedures: Classes will be organized in expository classes and in seminars. The discipline will count on the participation of invited professors who are experts in the field. Resources: Whiteboard and computer with projector Procedures and evaluation criteria 1. Exam
Professors Home time Lattes
KATIA BONES ROCHA 12 years and 7 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
31377-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
31376-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
01389-03 45
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Required
Human Cognition Doctorate Required
Psychology Doctorate Required
Social Psychology Doctorate Required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
21342-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
313A4-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
01354-04 60
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
31363-02 30
Professors Home time Lattes
LUISA FERNANDA HABIGZANG 10 years and 7 months Link
Concentration area Type Required
Clinical Psychology Master's Not required
Clinical Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Clinical Psychology Doctorate Not required
Human Cognition Master's Not required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Human Cognition Doctorate Not required
Psychology Master's Not required
Psychology Doctorate Not required
Social Psychology Master's Not required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Not required
Social Psychology Doctorate Not required
Research line Description
Assessment and psychological interventions in mental health This line of research concentrates studies related to mental health outcomes based on different theories and methods in Clinical Psychology. It aims at understanding psychological processes and building and adapting instruments and interventions with a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational focus.
Psychosocial Processes: Practices and contexts This line of research concentrates studies on psychosocial phenomena and vulnerability processes in different contexts, such as education, public health, work, politics and justice. It aims to develop strategies for assessment and intervention with individuals, groups and organizations based on theoretical-methodological approaches that articulate different perspectives from Social Psychology and other fields of knowledge.
Cognition, brain and behavior This line of research focuses on basic and applied studies of cognition and its behavioral and neurobiological implications. We seek to investigate neurocognitive and psychobiological processes and their relationship with behavior, development, learning and mental health. Research approaches involve theoretical and experimental models and instruments from neuropsychology, neurobiology and neuroscience.
Well-being, health and quality of life This line of research concentrates studies that use an interdisciplinary approach on the relationship between mental health and lifestyle, understood as the set of behaviors related to food, physical activity, sleep, spirituality, financial well-being, well-being occupational and social relationships. The line aims at building basic and applied knowledge for evaluation and intervention in the prevention and promotion of quality of life and its different domains.
COD Workload Description
01383-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Social Psychology Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description
COD Workload Description
01387-02 30
No offer for current semester
Concentration area Type Required
Human Cognition Inter-institutional doctorate degree Required
Research line Description