Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG Inventory)

Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG Inventory)

What are the main greenhouse gases (GHGs)?

Greenhouse gases have the ability to intensify and raise temperatures on the surface of our planet, leading to global warming. The prominent ones include CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, and NF3.


How to quantify greenhouse gases?

The Greenhouse Gas Inventory is an important management tool as it enables the mapping and quantification of an organization’s GHG sources, contributing to the fight against climate change. Following the GHG Protocol methodology, ISO 14064 guidelines, and IPCC Guidelines, the inventory calculation involves summing up the total emissions of each greenhouse gas in tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (which includes other GHGs, some of them more harmful than CO₂).


Why is important to quantify greenhouse gases?

By understanding an organization’s impacts, it becomes possible to establish plans, projects, and goals to reduce GHG emissions. In other words, knowing and quantifying GHG emissions is an important environmental practice and may soon become a legal requirement.


What service does IPR offer?

Companies engaging IPR’s services will receive a comprehensive diagnosis of their GHG emissions. An audit process is conducted, which can be either documentary and/or on-site, based on national and international standards and regulations. At the end of the process, the contracting entity is provided with a complete report detailing direct and indirect emissions of their organization, along with a seal certifying the company’s GHG emissions during the inventory period.

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