Permear II

Permear II

Identify the possible causes of the reduction in water injectivity and the consequent increase in pressure, observed during relative permeability tests in transient conditions in pre-salt carbonate samples.


Period of execution
2022 – current

Project presentation:
Relative permeability measurements are important for simulating recovery processes in oil fields, and experimental methods for obtaining these parameters undergo constant development, aiming at greater agility in tests and reliability in results. In transient relative permeability tests with Pre-salt samples, an increase in pressure is often observed due to a reduction in injectivity to water during the soaking stage of the test, a phenomenon that is still not well understood, which can be attributed causes such as migration of fines or solid organic matter, swelling of clays, changes in fluid distribution resulting in compression of porous volume, among others. Identifying the causes of this phenomenon and proposing methods to control and predict its occurrence is important to improve and make more reliable tests of relative permeability in transient conditions.

This project intends to carry out a systematic study to identify the possible causes of this reduction of injectivity to water, through adequate experimental design, carrying out tests and appropriate characterization with different selected samples, associated with an analysis of data from injection operations in the reservoir.


Rodrigo Sebastian Iglesias

Research Professor and LGP Coordinator

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