Geacron Infra

Geacron Infra

Projeto de Infraestrutura – Infrastructure Project – Expansion of laboratory capacity in Advanced Geochemistry and Geochronology at PUCRS IPR Laboratories.

Implementation of laboratory infrastructure for the development of advanced isotopic research.


Period of execution
2019 – Current

Project presentation:
New isotope systems such as non-conventional and radiogenic stable isotopes still remain an unexplored field due to analytical challenges. Thus, to fill a gap in advanced geochemical and isotopic research in Brazil, the GEACRON Project aims to apply and develop unusual isotopic methods, in order to meet the demands of analysis not only geochemical for the oil and gas industry, but, also for the areas of cosmochemistry, biochemistry, food, pharmaceuticals, among others.
To implement these new exploratory frontiers, the IPR laboratories have new analytical equipment acquired by the GEACRON Project, such as mass spectrometers with coupled laser ablation systems, which will guarantee the credibility of the results obtained.


Anderson Maraschin

Researcher and Coordinator of LIG

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