Research and Structures


Concentration Area

Name Description
Education in Science and Mathematics (ESM) Studies teaching and learning in Science and Mathematics in different training spaces, using theoretical and methodological contributions related to education through research; epistemologically linked to the domain of language, to inter and transdisciplinarity – to science and the nature of being and to the modeling processes in Science and Mathematics, associated with initial and continuing teacher training, in Basic Education and Higher Education. It covers research involving scientific and technological development, scientific literacy and the popularization of Science and Mathematics in formal and non-formal spaces of education.
Education theories and cultures Seeks to explore the relationship between anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology and education, by discussing political and cultural conditions in education. It brings together theoretical and empirical theories and research, so improving our understanding of the diversity of the human experience in the different processes of development.
Education training, policies and practices Seeks to explore educational processes in different training settings, from socio-political, historical and cultural perspectives, aiming at a critical analysis of policies, training practices, and educational planning in different contexts. It scrutinizes pedagogical practices in several degrees and types of education, enabling insights for decision making regarding changes in society and in the educational process.
People and education It studies education as a process that involves the person's non-development, training and self-training, highlighting its intertwining as health and well-being. It hosts interdisciplinary studies and research that enhance the pedagogical dimension of human experience in its interactions as biological, psychosocial, biographical, cultural aspects of two subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society.

Research Structures

Research Laboratories
Name Coordinator
Laboratório das Infâncias - LabInf ANDREIA MENDES DOS SANTOS
Laboratório de Pesquisa em Ensino de Física (LAPEF) LUCIANO DENARDIN DE OLIVEIRA
Research Nucleus