The Meaning of Accreditation

“Accreditation awarded by the agency recognized by the Brazilian government, Cgcre, is based on international practices and is the most effective means of validating the technical competence of the laboratory, demonstrating the credibility of its services and eliminating the need for multiple assessments performed by its clients.”

LABELO is accredited by CGCRE for all its activities in the fields of Calibration and Testing.
In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, we are affiliated to the Metrology Network, an association created to qualify agencies providing technological services to industries in the state. Our affiliation with the Metrology Network means we are able to offer small and medium-sized companies in the state the possibility of using the Metrology Bonus, an important initiative by SEBRAE to encourage the use of metrology by these companies.

All calibration and testing services accredited by INMETRO are automatically considered affiliates of the Metrology Netywork.

Check the list of services accredited by CGCRE for the RBC and RBLE to see which are affiliated to RM-RS.