Luiz Carlos Susin

Schools: School of Humanities
Graduate Programs: Theology Graduate Program
Publications: Google Scholar Orcid


Permanent Professor (TI) and researcher in the postgraduate program in theology at the School of Humanities of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University in Whasington (2011), Doctor in Theology at Universitas Gregoriana in Rome (1983), Degree in Philosophy and Theology (Unijuí/Pucrs). Research in theological anthropology, echological theology and fundamental theology.

Areas of interest

No area of ​​interest registered at the time.


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Systematic Theology

- Theology and Contemporary Thinking

Research Structures

Research Group

- Christology within the Contemporary Latin American Context

Research Group

- Theology and Liberation

Research Core

- Theology and Society