Lucas Silveira Kupssinsku

Schools: School of Technology
Graduate Programs: Computer Sciences Graduate Program


Ph.D. in Applied Computing from Unisinos. He has extensive experience in system development and in Artificial Intelligence research projects funded by renowned institutions such as Petrobrás, Motorola, and the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Currently, he is a full-time adjunct professor at PUCRS, where he is a member of the Coordinating Committee for the Undergraduate Program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, contributing to extension, undergraduate, and graduate programs. Additionally, he serves as the vice-coordinator of the Machine Learning Theory and Applications Research Group (MALTA) and is part of the Research Center in Machine Intelligence and Robotics (MIR). His research interests span areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Computer Science


Computer Science