Cristina Maria Moriguchi Jeckel

Schools: School of Health and Life Sciences
Graduate Programs: Biomedical Gerontology Graduate Program
Publications: Orcid


Undergraduated in Pharmacy (UFRGS - 1982); Master in Neurosciences (UFRGS - 2001); PhD in Biomedical Gerontology (PUCRS-2006). Post doctorate at Positron Medical Center of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (2011) and training in nuclear technology by the International Atomic Energy Agency at Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY (USA) (2011).Associate Professor of the Pharmacy Course at the School of Health Sciences of PUCRS since 2002. Lecturer at the PPG in Biomedical Gerontology and in the Professional Master's Course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Member of the Research Ethics Committee of PUCRS. Tutora of PET-SAÚDE. Currently works on research projects involving Radiopharmaceuticals - production and development, in addition to participating as tutor of PET-SAUDE, focusing in Patient Safety in Primary Health Care.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Biomedical Gerontology

- Biological Aspects of Aging

Research Structures

Research Group

- Radiopharmaceuticals - development and production