Aline Fay de Azevedo

Schools: School of Humanities
Graduate Programs: Languages, Linguistics and Literature Graduate Program
Publications: Orcid


Head of the English and Literature Department at PUCRS and Associate Professor at the School of Humanities. I hold a PhD in Linguistics from PUCRS, with research carried out at the Brain Institute of RS (BraIns/InsCer). I have a post-doctoral fellowship from the Federal University of RS (UFRGS) in the area of Psycholinguistics, focusing on Biliteracy and Reading. I have been a teacher/professor for over 23 years. I am a member of the ACERTA project e Neuroeducação (CNPq) at the BraIns/InsCer since 2013. My research focus is dyslexic bilingual and monolingual students and the neural bases of dyslexia using fMRI. I am one of the coordenators of the project “Literacy and EdTech: a study on the impact of GraphoGame in Literacy”, in partnership with YALE and BraIns/InsCer My areas of interest are the neural basis of dyslexia in bilinguals and monolinguals and fMRI, neurobiology of reading, neuroscience and education, teaching English as an additional language and Education 3.0/4.0.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research


- Language Theories and Use

Research Structures

Research Group

- NeuroEdTech Lab - Neuroscience & Education Technology Laboratory