Questionnaire for internationalisation of the curriculum (QIC)

The purpose of the QIC

The QIC is a facilitation tool designed to stimulate reflection and discussion amongst teams of teaching staff about internationalisation of the curriculum in their program/course. The QIC is not intended to be used simply collect data, or to measure performance. It is intended to stimulate discussion, and understanding, which are essential for the ‘Imagine’ phase of the IoC process.

Three versions of the QIC have been developed following feedback from different disciplines that participated in the IoC in Action Fellowship and the Extension projects.

  • QIC1 contains many open-ended questions, which invite comments and reflection. Preferred by those who want to take a more qualitative approach to review and reflection
  • QIC1 (Abridged) is a modified version of QIC1. Containing just 10 essential open-ended questions, it was developed specifically to facilitate discussion, reflection and planning among time poor academics.
  • QIC2 invites individual members of a team or group to complete a survey via a five point Likert scale with some scope for written comments and reflections.

Facilitators and team leaders are advised to assess which version of the QIC is likely to resonate with their team before using them for the purpose of reflection and review. Each version can be transcribed into online survey formats such as Survey Monkey and Qualtrics.

Facilitating the process

For the purpose of the facilitated discussion, it is important that all members of the team involved in the discussion complete the QIC prior to the team meeting. In team meeting individual and collective responses will be discussed

Step 1. Identifying the team

This would generally be the group that teaches in the ‘core’ of the PROGRAM, or the COURSE COORDINATORS of the COURSES constituting the ACADEMIC MAJOR. Staff teaching on the PROGRAM with an interest in internationalisation could also be invited to join the review. You may also want to involve an academic or professional development lecturer with some expertise in internationalisation of the curriculum in your team at this point – as well as, or alternatively, at Step 3 and Step 4

Step 2. Completing the questionnaire

Individual team members should complete the questionnaire, on their own, as best they can. Team members should be advised that it is possible that the answers to individual questions will vary considerably across the team

Step 3. Discussing the response

The team should come together soon after having completed the questionnaire.

  • If using QIC1 (qualitative approach), team members should share their responses and discuss the rationales for their answers and any similarities and differences between them. This discussion can be facilitated by a colleague with some knowledge in the area of internationalisation of the curriculum. It is useful to keep a summary of the key points – you may want to record the discussion or nominate a note-taker.
  • If using QIC2, the results should be analysed by the facilitator or team leader and key findings identified. These can be presented to the whole PROGRAM team in order to provide them with a clear snapshot of current IoC strengths and gaps. As with QIC1, this analysis should be used to prompt discussion and reflection, before moving on to the ‘Imagine’ phase.