This website is designed as a resource for anyone interested or involved in internationalising curriculum and internationalisation of the curriculum at home in Latin America. It is the unfolding of an ongoing collaboration with a broad range of faculty, professional services staff and university leaders across Australasia, Europe and the Americas.


About the development of the internationalisation of the curriculum conceptual framework

The internationalisation of the curriculum (IoC) conceptual framework and process model were developed by Professor Betty Leask (PhD) as an outcome of her National Office of Learning and Teaching Fellowship “IoC In Action” project (access the full report).

This project focussed on engaging faculty in the process of exploring, making explicit and disseminating the meaning of internationalisation of the curriculum in different disciplines. It also focused on identifying how staff working in different disciplinary and institutional contexts can best be prepared and supported to do this. The approach taken was to work intensively with a number of teams of 3-5 academic staff in different universities and disciplines, as well as an academic developer from the same university. There was a strong emphasis on building capacity for the future to address critical issues and key questions associated with internationalisation of the curriculum within and across disciplines and institutions. A range of stakeholders in institutions and disciplines across Australia were involved in various ways – as advisers, consultants and active participants. Data for the case studies were collected from interviews and observations.

In 2013-14, the work of the Fellowship was extended with further support from the Australian Government’s Office of Learning and Teaching. The second project, ‘Embedding the IoC in Action Framework’, led by Dr Craig Whitsed and Dr Wendy Green produced additional resources that support the process of internationalising the curriculum within whole degree programs.

More on this project can be found at its website.