
Pedagogues can work in scholastic and non-scholastic settings, at several levels and modalities of education; in Children Education, with children aged 0-5 in order to contribute to their development physically, psychologically, intellectually and socially; in the earliest years of Elementary School, with children and other individuals who were not able to receive schooling at an earlier age.

1 1423I-04 Education and Literature for Children and Teenagers
1430D-02 Anthropological Studies in Education
1430X-04 History of Education
1430Y-02 Introduction to Teaching and Pedagogy
1420U-04 Writing Production in Education
1433A-04 Psychosociology of Childhood and Human Development
14375-04 Sociology of Education
2 1430V-12 Elective Courses
1433C-02 Early Childhood Education – 0-3 Years (45 Hours)
1423O-02 Education and Visual Arts (45 Hours)
1424B-04 Education and Information and Communication Technology in Schools
14337-02 Epistemology of Research on Education
1214K-02 Linguistics and Literacy
1424K-04 Principles and Suggestions for Physical Education and Recreation Methodology (75 Hours)
1430N-04 Educational Psychology: Learning
3 1433D-02 Early Childhood Education – 4-5 Years (45 Hours)
1430K-04 Philosophy of Education
1433H-04 Neurosciences and Learning
1425T-04 Principles and Suggestions for Literacy Method I (75 Hours)
1425K-04 Principles and Suggestions for Mathematics Methodology I (70 Hours)
143AB-04 Psychopedagogy and Learning Contexts
14347-02 Learning Theories
4 143AD-04 Curriculum: Theories and Practices
143AD-04 Childhood Education – 6-10 Years (45 Hours)
1433J-02 Education, Culture, and Racial and Ethnic Relations
143AC-04 Learning Space Management
1434A-04 Basic Education Organization and Policies
1429P-02 Principles and Suggestions for Literacy Methods II
1426Y-04 Principles and Suggestions for Mathematics Methodology II (70 Hours)
142VM-04 Principles and Suggestions for Portuguese Language Teaching Methodology
5 142VD-04 Didactics I
1445M-02 Social and Environmental Education
1424O-04 Youth and Adult Education
1433K-04 Education in Non-Formal Settings
142BV-06 Principles and Suggestions for Social Studies Methodology
14299-06 Principles and Suggestions for Sciences Teaching Methodology
6 142CA-04 Didactics II
1433L-04 Special Education and Inclusive Processes
1425I-02 Education and Performing Arts (45 Hours)
1424I-02 Education and Music (45 Hours)
142CB-04 Supervised Internship in Preschool (180 Hours)
1216C-04 Brazilian Sign Language
7 142CF-04 Supervised Internship – Early Years of Elementary School (360 Hours)
11521-04 Humanism and Religious Culture
142DA-02 Thesis Project
8 1432S-00 Complementary Activities (120 Hours)
1430R-02 Education and Health
142DB-04 Final Thesis
1501A-04 Ethics and Citizenship