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The International Sustainability Congress: the City and Society | 2023 will take place between the 19th and the 21st of October 2023, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS.

The Congress will focus mostly on three topics: Environmental resources and sustainability; Sustainable city for all and Sustainability and society, aiming to contribute to the discussion on the sustainable management of cities and better involvement of society in politics and public administration, in the process of occupying the territory and in mitigating the impacted caused by production in the city.

  • Theme A: Environmental Resources and sustainability

Theme A intends to encourage the discussion with national and international lecturers about experiences, projects and research on new ways of society interacting with natural resources well as the individual and collective protagonism in the development of an urban and environmental consciousness, in different contexts and levels. Further develop themes of governance, health, education, safety, technologies and communication, social innovation, environment, economic resources, renewable energies as well as new models of urban administration.

  • Theme B: Sustainable city for all

Theme B presents the discussion on sustainability in the territory in a democratic way based on debates and experiences in the production and access to housing, public space, mobility and infrastructure and technology. The relation between public policies, the process of occupying the territory and producing social housing, experiences and projects, such as land regularization, sanitation and occupying sensitive environmental areas.

  • Theme C: Sustainability and society

Theme C proposes the presentation and the discussion of national and international experiences, aiming at finding alternatives for funding/benefits of public policies, tax incentives and grants for the implementation of sustainable strategies. Initiatives of governance which articulate social and environmental themes, considering the multiplicity of individuals who operate the city. Reflections on strategies for the future, based mostly on the Objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS).

The initiative is promoted by PUCRS’s School of Technology, PUCRS’s School of Humanities, the Center for European and German Studies (CDEA – PUCRS/UFRGS), the Department of UFRGS’s Graduate Program in Philosophy and the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning (PROPUR/UFRGS) and support from the Instituto do Meio Ambiente at PUCRS (IMA) and the Technical University of Vienna – Austria. 

The Event seeks to spread information, experiences and viable solutions, while mobilizing the society so that the implementation of new practices can be discussed.

The International Sustainability Congress: the City and Society | 2023 will take place in an in-person format and was preceded by the online event, which took place on November 17th 2022, and had as its main focus the presentation of three lectures and discussions, which were held remotely, exploring the three main themes, in the sense of getting the discussion started and preparing the event scheduled for 2023.

The International Sustainability Congress: the City and Society | 2023 is aimed at students, undergraduate and graduate researchers and professionals in the fields of architecture, urbanism, landscaping, engineering, sociology, humanities, geography among other similar fields, public administrators, organized civil society, directly or indirectly related to the event’s main focus.

19 to 21 of October 2023 – Auditorium of Building 32 / PUCRS – Porto Alegre, RS.

PUCRS main entrance

Comissão Organizadora:

  • Drª. Camila Fujita (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Cibele Vieira Figueira (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Daniela Marzola Fialho (UFRGS)
  • Dr. Draiton Gonzaga de Souza (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Fabiano Hessel (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Heleniza Ávila Campos (UFRGS)
  • Dr. Jair Inácio Tauchen (CDEA -PUCRS/UFRGS)
  • Drª. Kathrin Rosenfield (UFRGS)
  • Dr. Márcio Rosa D’ Avila (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Maria Alice Medeiros Dias (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Marcos Pereira Diligenti (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Raquel Rodrigues Lima (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Sandra Mara Oliveira Einloft (PUCRS)

Comissão Científica:

  • Drª. Andréa Parisi Kern (UNISINOS)
  • Dr. Arthur Schmidt Nanni (UFSC)
  • Dr. Bruno De Rosso Ribeiro (PUCRS)
  • Me. Bruno Giugliani (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Camila Fujita (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Cibele Vieira Figueira (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Claudio Luis Crescente Frankenberg
  • Drª. Daniela Marzola Fialho (UFRGS)
  • Dr. Fabiano Hessel (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Heleniza Ávila Campos (UFRGS)
  • Dr. Jacinto Manuel Antunes de Almeida
  • Drª. Kathrin Rosenfield (UFRGS)
  • Drª. Kátia Cilene Rodrigues Madruga (UFSC)
  • Dr. Marcelo de Mattos Bezerra (PUC-RIO)
  • Dr. Márcio Rosa D’ Avila (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Marcia Andrea Bühring (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Maria Alice Medeiros Dias (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Marcos Pereira Diligenti (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Marçal José Rodrigues Pires (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Miguel Bartorila  (UAQ-México)
  • Dr. Obede Borges Faria (UNESP- FEB)
  • Me. Odilon Francisco Pavón Duarte (PUCRS)
  • Me. Paulo Ricardo Bregatto (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Raquel Rodrigues Lima (PUCRS)
  • Dr. Robinson dos Santos (UFPEL)
  • Me. Rosane Maria Vargas Bauer (UNISINOS)
  • Dr. Sérgio Boscato Garcia (PUCRS)
  • Drª. Simone Aparecida Polli (UTFPR)

October 19th

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Opening of the event
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Opening lecture

Markus Tomaselli – Austria  Head of Institute of Urban Design – Technical University Vienna

1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Lecture Theme A | Environmental resources and sustainabilit

Tony Hiss – USA | Professor Emeritus and Journalist for The New Yorker USA

Charles B. Duff – USA | President of the NGO Jubilee Baltimore and visiting professor at Johns Hopkins

3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Interval
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Parallel sessions: oral presentation of full article

Exhibition of posters of extended abstracts (poster) 

6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Presentation: national and international projects/partnerships

Tema: Recursos ambientais e sustentabilidade

Coordenador da seção:  Prof. Dr. Nelson Ferreira Fontoura – PUCRS

Tema: A importância do sandbox regulatório para smart cities

Coordenador da seção:  Prof. Dr. Fabiano Passuelo Hessel


October 20th

9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Lecture Theme B | Sustainable city for all

Washington Fajardo – Brazil | Architect and urban planner, consultant, developing urban strategy and development plans

Tiago Holzmann da Silva – Brazil | President of the Council of Architecture and Urbanism CAU-RS

1:30 p.m to 3:30 p.m. Lecture Theme C | Sustainability and society

Edenise Garcia – Brazil | Director of Science – The Nature Conservancy Brasil

Henri Acselrad – Brazil | Professor at the Institute of Research and Urban and Regional Planning at UFRJ.

3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Interval
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Parallel sessions: oral presentation of full article

Exhibition of posters of extended abstracts (poster) 

6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Closing lecture

Milton Braga – Brazil | Professor at USP and partner at MMBB Arquitetos


October 21st

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Field trip: Activity apart from the event

Hour load: 24h

Certificate: a certificate will be provided up to 30 days after the end of the Congress to everyone with, at least, 75% attendance.


Deadline for sending the abstracts for the Categories – full article and/or extended abstract (poster) from April/20 to September/01
Return of the acceptance of abstracts for the Categories – full article and/or extended abstract (poster) until September/08
Deadline for one of the project’s authors to sign up for publication and presentation from April/15 to September/15
Categories – full article or poster (extended abtract) until September/20





Access the lust of approved work by clicking here.

  • Only 1 paper per application will be accepted
  • The submission of scientific papers can be in English or Portuguese.
  • The projects will be evaluated by members of the Scientific Committee consisting of specialists in the themes.
  • The scientific project contributes will be gathered in the Event Proceedings in E-book format.
  •  Can the expanded abstract or the article be written in another language because it is an international event? The work can be submitted in Portuguese and English
  • How many authors can have an expanded abstract/poster and full article? There is no author limit.
  • As far as we understand, no research outside the urban area will be considered in this event, for example conservation units in rural areas? it is possible to submit research outside the urban context – Theme A: Environmental resources and sustainability.


It is essential that, at the time of registration, participants submitting papers fill in the mandatory fields (title, author, and coauthors). If they are not completed, it will not be possible to issue the post-event “work certificate”.

The file format must be in pdf (portable document format – Adobe Acrobat®) without any security whatsoever.



Themes of the scientific projects:

  • Environmental resources and sustainability
  • Sustainable city for all
  • Sustainability and society


Project acceptance

The submission for the project acceptance for Categories I and II must be made by the author according to the project submission schedule through the template below.




Project categories: the projects may be submitted in two categories:


Regarding the finished research, with actual contributions for knowledge on the event’s themes.

The full article must have at least 7 (seven) and at most 10 (ten) pages, including table of contents and bibliography.

The structure of the full article must contain the following mandatory sections:

  • Title
  • Authors and addresses
  • Abstract and keywords in the article’s language and in English
  • Introduction
  • Objective
  • Background
  • Emplyed method
  • Obtained Results
  • Final considerations
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgements

The presentations will be made verbally in specific thematic sections which will occur simultaneously, in rooms organized by theme. Each author will have 12 (twelve) minutes to present their project.


The formatting of the article must respect the reference presented in this model, with the purpose of standardizing the projects, allowing for their correct edition in the proceedings of the Event.



Oral presentation 

The presentations will be made verbally in specific thematic sections which will occur simultaneously, in rooms organized by theme – Environmental Resources and sustainability – Sustainable city for all – Sustainability and society. Each author will have 12 (twelve) minutes to present their project.

Presentation rooms are equipped for projection. It is suggested to take the work on a pen drive (format according to template and PDF).




Regarding ongoing projects and studies, which still don’t include research results, but that include content which may be discussed in the event.

The extended abstract, in order to be published in the proceedings, cannot be longer than 3 (three) pages, including table of contents and bibliography. The project will be presented in the Event with a poster that must be handed in printed out at the time of registration.

The structure of the extended abstract must contain:

  • Title
  • Authors and addresses
  • Abstract and keywords in the language of the article and in English
  • Introduction
  • Objective
  • Background
  • Employed method
  • Parcial results
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgements.

An exposition of the posters will be organized, with a presentation done by the authors in a public section.

The extended abstract submitted for evaluation must use the same template for the full article (above). The poster to be sent in at the time of registration must contain: title of project, authors’ names, institution, mailing address and e-mail address. At the end (lower part) the name of the funding body must be indicated, if there is one. The information must be organized in such a way that the central ideas of the project are easily identified, aiming to use all available resources for the poster to spark the public’s interest.

The poster must be in A1 format (594 x 841mm), with the biggest dimension being verticle (portrait). Use the template below. No poster will be accepted in a different format. It is recommended that it is printed in GlossPaper, high whiteness paper, Sanlux canvas or card. It is mandatory that the poster is submitted with a tubular frame above and below, with a string to hang in the available stands. Use a simple font (lettering) and in a size that allows for quick reading at a distance of two meters. Use the least amount of text and as many images, pictures, tables, graphs and diagrams as possible. It is recommended to use color. For each project, only one poster will be accepted.

For each project, only one poster will be accepcted.




From 04/20 to 09/22


09/23 to 10/21

PUCRS and Alumni students R$ 150,00 R$ 200,00
PUCRS professors R$ 250,00 R$ 300,00
External professors R$ 300,00 R$ 350,00
Stricto students R$ 200,00 R$ 250,00
General public R$ 300,00 R$ 350,00



It is crucial that, when signing up, participants whose projects have been approved fill out the required fields. If they are not filled, it will not be possible to issue the certificate after the event.




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