Ely Jose de Mattos

Schools: Business School
Graduate Programs: Development Economics Graduate Program


Economist, holding a master's degree in Rural Development (PGDR/UFRGS) and a Doctor's degree in Applied Economics (PPGE/UFRGS). He is currently a associate professor of the Graduate Program in Economics at the Business School, PUCRS. The main research interest is on development and the environment based on multidisciplinary approach, building partnerships specially with IT, communication and architecture & urbanism. He is also interested in economic development, mainly on analysis of socioeconomic scenarios and the construction of development indices.

Areas of interest


Concentration Areas and Lines Research

Economic Development

- Desenvolvimento Regional, Cidades e Agronegócios

Economic Development

- Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente

Economic Development

- Growth, Innovation and Equality

Local Economics

- Economics of Agglomeration, Agribusiness and Environment