26/07/2019 - 13h53

Social psychology and HIV discussed in Germany mission

Angelo Brandelli Costa developed activities at Universität Duisburg-Essen


Photo: Bruno Todeschini

The Professor of the School of Health Sciences and coordinator of the research group Prejudice, Vulnerability and Psychosocial Processes, Dr Angelo Brandelli Costa, went on a mission abroad under the PUCRS-PrInt, from Jul 9 – 16. Brandelli went to Universität Duisburg-Essen (Uni-Due), in Germany, and attended the 42nd International Congress of Political Psychology, in Portugal. He is working on the project Advances in drug development, diagnosis and epidemiology of neglected diseases, coordinated by Professor Dr Cristiano Valim Bizarro, under the priority theme Health in Human Development.

In the mission, Brandelli introduced the Universität Duisburg-Essen audience to PUCRS’ Internationalization Project – PUCRS-PrInt – and its opportunities to advance the mobility of faculty and students. The mission also served to officiate the invitation of Professor Gisela Steins, a Social Psychology specialist, to come to PUCRS next year. The idea is to take the initial steps into the development of continuous exchanges involving faculty and students from both institutions.

Consolidated cooperation


Angelo Brandelli and professor Gisela Steins. Photo: Personal archive

The way Angelo Brandelli sees it, the mission reinforces the ties between Professor Gisela Steins and advances the development of a joint article with her. The research is being developed in support of the project named Control, responsibility and blame for HIV infection: emotional reactions, helping intention and effects of sexual orientation and gender identity, coordinated by Costa.

In Germany, the results of studies developed by the research groups of the two professors were discussed. The findings must be submitted to the journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology in the middle of the first semester of 2020. During the mission, Brandelli also delivered the seminar Psychology and Prejudice against Sexual and Gender Diversity in Brazil: An Overview for the students of the Graduate Program in Psychology of the German institution, in an effort to strengthen the partnership between the programs.

Congress in Portugal

In Lisbon, Costa participated in the 42nd International Congress of Political Psychology. He presented the findings of an investigation developed in his research group at PUCRS. That was an opportunity to connect with researchers from different countries and to develop new partnerships for research.


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