Project coordination

Theme Cooperation Projects Coordinator
Health in Human Development Assessment of environmental aspects, life habits and pathological condition in child development Profa. Ana Paula Duarte de Souza ORCID iD
Advances in drug development, diagnosis and epidemiology of neglected diseases Prof. Cristiano Valim Bizarro   ORCID iD 
Biopsychosocial aspects related to the individual’s health in adult life Profa. Tatiana Irigaray ORCID iD
Development of technologies and innovative processes in health Profa. Maria Martha Campos ORCID iD
Studies on aging neuropsychology and molecular mechanisms associated with neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly population Profa. Carla Schwanke ORCID iD
The World in Motion: individuals and society Migrations: Historic and Conceptual Perspectives and Analysis of Contemporary Phenomena Prof. Antonio De Ruggiero ORCID iD
The Hidden Matrix of Violence in Contemporary Times: Crisis of Otherness, Morale and Ethics Profa. José Carlos Moreira da Silva Filho ORCID iD
Human Development: knowledges and practices for a world in motion Prof. Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme ORCID iD
Macro and microeconomic aspects associated with economic, social, human and environmental development Profa. Edimara Luciano ORCID iD
Technology and Society in a globalized world in crisis Prof. Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet ORCID iD
Technology and Biodiversity: Sustainability, Energy and the Environment Genomic Advances and their Impacts to the Study of Biodiversity Prof. Sandro Luis Bonatto ORCID iD
Extracting Knowledge from Big Data Prof. Luiz Gustavo Fernandes  ORCID iD
Technological Advances for the Development of an Interconnected World Profa. Milene Selbach Silveira ORCID iD
Technology, Energy and Natural Resources: New Paths to Sustainability Prof. Eduardo Cassel ORCID iD