
The Graduate Program in Letters aims to:

(a) Develop human resources to work in higher education and qualify them in the fields of Linguistics, Literary Theory, and Creative Writing at national and international levels;

(b) Train researchers who contribute to the advancement of research in the field of literary and non-literary language, meeting social needs regarding the various aspects of language.

PUCRS’ Graduate Program in Letters has three areas of concentration: Linguistics, Literary Theory and Creative Writing. It focuses on producing qualified human resources for higher education, nationally and internationally; on the education of researchers contributing to the development of their areas of expertise and their interfaces and to meeting social needs concerning the multiple aspects of language, within an interdisciplinary approach.

Capes Grade: 7
Master’s: 24 credits
Doctorate: 36 credits
Master’s: minimum of 12 and maximum of 30 months
Doctorate: minimum of 24 and maximum of 54 months