
This professional are eligible to work as Elementary, Middle or High School teachers as well as in museums and historical archives. They can also provide advisory services to production, for media purposes; facilitate integration in cultural and entertainment programs; and participation in projects of public and private institutions for the ​​preservation of historical and cultural heritage.

1 15090-04 Philosophy and General Ethics
1520G-04 History of Classical Antiquity
1520F-04 History of Eastern Antiquity
15201-04 Introduction to the Study of History
15202-04 Prehistory
2 1521K-00 Complementary Activities (200 Hours)
1522N-12 Elective Courses
1522D-04 Medieval History
1216C-04 Brazilian Sign Language
1445D-04 Basic Education Organization and Policies
1432K-02 Educational Psychology: Development
3 1522F-04 History of Pre-Colonial America
1432L-04 Educational Psychology: Learning
15265-04 Seminar on Medieval History
15103-04 General Sociology
4 1522J-04 Ibero-American History
1522H-04 Modern History
1522L-04 History of Colonial Brazil
11521-04 Humanism and Religious Culture
5 1522U-04 History of Africa
1522P-04 Contemporary History of the American Continent
1522R-04 History of Art
1522N-04 History of Brazil in the Monarchy Times
1522T-04 Modern History Seminar
1522S-04 Elementary, Middle and High School Teaching Practicum (140 Hours)
6 1522V-04 Contemporary History (Age of Revolutions)
1521M-04 Cultural History of Brazil
1522W-04 History of Brazil in the Republican Times
1522X-04 Theory and Methodology of History
1522Z-02 Adult Education Teaching Practicum (80 Hours)
7 1426J-04 Didactics
1523A-04 Contemporary History (20th century)
15260-04 History of Rio Grande do Sul
15275-04 Seminar on the History of Brazil
1523B-04 Theory and Historiography
8 1521H-04 Supervised Internship: History (Elementary, Middle and High School 190 Hours)
1523E-04 History of Asia
1520U-04 Seminar on History of Rio Grande do Sul
15276-04 Seminar on Contemporary History