The Academic Mobility is a sector of the Office for International Cooperation responsible for making public academic exchange programs/opportunities, carrying out selection processes, handling applications, and supervising and advising PUCRS students.

It also receives applications, carries out the proper procedures, and supervises and advises students from other higher education institutions during their exchange experience at PUCRS. Programs can be short-term (less than one semester) or extend over two semesters.


  • Contributing to promote PUCRS’ internationalization process.
  • Encouraging student, research and cultural exchanges by making public opportunities and providing the necessary support for students at PUCRS, as well as those from other institutions interested in studying at PUCRS.
  • Providing support for students during all steps of the exchange process, along with the different Schools involved.
  • Promoting the comprehensive development of students by providing experiences with different cultures, developing communication skills and interpersonal relationships, as well as practicing and learning other languages.


Dean of International Affairs

Professor Carla Denise Bonan