PUCRS professor works on post-doc research at Milan

Dr Rodrigo Grassi studies early stress and brain development

07/02/2018 - 09h21

Rodrigo Grassi at Università degli Studi di Milano Dr Rodrigo Grassi, a professor at the School of Health Sciences and School of Medicine, is at the Università degli Studi di Milano to work on his post-doc research at the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Science. With this investigation, Grassi intends to show how early stress exposure, during early childhood, affects brain development in the areas responsible for judgment and decision-making in risky situations, especially during adolescence. “We are particularly interested in the neurobiological mechanisms involved in this phenomenon”, says he.

Grassi is conducting his studies on a Santander International Mobility Grants, as part of the four-year agreement established with PUCRS in December 2016. In addition to his investigation, he is looking into funding for the Doctoral Exchange Program (PDSE). The plan is to send a student from the Graduate Program in Psychology in November 2018.

Grassi, who is a psychiatrist, holds a Master’s in Cognitive Psychology and a PhD in Psychology, in the area of Cognition, is a faculty of the Graduate Program in Psychology and Graduate Program in Medicine and Health Sciences of PUCRS. He is also an Associate Researcher of the Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns).

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