Haitians complete Portuguese program at PUCRS

30 immigrants received a diploma on May 27

30/05/2017 - 19h04

To have good living conditions in Brazil is what the Haitian immigrants who took the course Portuguese for Immigrants and Refugees have in common. The first group finished the program on May 27, at the Santa Clara Parish Church, in Lomba do Pinheiro, Porto Alegre. Regina Kohlrausch, Associate Dean of the School of Humanities  of PUCRS, Modern Languages professor Cristina Perna and PhD student Graziela Andrighetti handed the certificates to 30 students who sang songs in Portuguese.

Haitians complete Portuguese program at PUCRS

Foto: Júlia Aguiar

In the beginning of the class, the students were invited to read the compositions they had written the previous class about who they are. It was unanimous among the students that they dreamed of getting a job. Mitrael Similien went on to say: “I also want to find a girlfriend”, as everyone shared a hearty laugh. He arrived in Brazil 10 months ago and works as a gardener in town, but has worked in Tramandaí and Xangri-lá as well. He claimed the program helped him speak Portuguese more fluently. “Now I can introduce myself, my family and offer my services”, said he. When he was asked whether he wanted to return to Haiti, he said he was hopeless because airfare is too expensive.


Haitians complete Portuguese program at PUCRS

Foto: Júlia Aguiar

Dalvimar Délier has been in Brazil for two years. He talked about the first job he had here: “I would do the dishes in a restaurant here in Porto Alegre until was kicked out after three months, but soon I got another job in civil construction. I spent 16 months there but lost my job.” Now he is unemployed and worried about the situation. “I can do anything, cleaning, civil construction, anything”, said he. Dalvimar said things are tough and it has been hard to find people who want to help, but commends the program. “Classes are very important for me to learn to speak Portuguese”, said he.


Haitians complete Portuguese program at PUCRS

Foto: Júlia Aguiar

Student Neltha Belerius used to work as a saleswoman in Haiti until she made money to come to Brazil, two years ago. She said she learned a lot in the program but wants to brush up her Portuguese. She is currently unemployed but has worked in cleaning services and is looking for a job. “I want to work to bring my family here. My daughter and son stayed in Haiti with my mother. He is 12 and she is 7. I hope to bring them here. I don’t want to go back. I’m happy here and I like Brazil”, said she.

The program has been offered through a partnership between PUCRS and Santa Clara Parish Church, where classes were given, and Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Porto Alegre. A second edition of the program is set to be offered in August. Additionally, the University offers legal counseling at no charge for immigrants at Sajug, building 8 of Campus (avenida Ipiranga, 6681 – Porto Alegre).

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