Universitat de Barcelona professor joins seminar at PUCRS

Event celebrated in tribute to 150th anniversary of Sociedade Partenon Literário

08/08/2018 - 09h22
Photo: Geralt/Pixabay.com

Photo: Geralt/Pixabay.com

School of Humanities’ Graduate Program in Letters, is sponsoring the 31st Brazilian Seminar of Literary Criticism, the 30th Seminar of Literary Criticism of Rio Grande do Sul and the 4th National Convention of Creative Writing, from Oct 23 – 25. The theme Travessias Literárias: Tempos e Espaços em Diálogo (Literary Paths: Times and Spaces in Dialog), will serve as a motif for the 150th anniversary of the Sociedade Partenon Literário and will bring together Brazilian and international students, professors and researchers in the areas of Literary Criticism, Brazilian Literature, Linguistics, Literary Theory and related areas, such as Cinema, Arts, Music and Drama.

The opening conference will be delivered by Professor Anna Caballé Masforrol, from Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). The program features workshops, roundtables and lectures on topics such as women’s history, creative writing of poems, authorship and literary criticism today. The event will also include the launching of the ebook Revista Partenon Literário.

Papers can be submitted by Aug 30. Abstracts must be sent to [email protected]. Accepted papers will be notified on Sep 5. Registrations are open for presenters from Sep 5 – 12, and for the general audience, from Sep 12. Click here to find out more.


Event information

23/10/2018 until 25/10/2018

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