Contardo Calligaris addresses the importance of attention in the pursuit of happiness

Psychoanalyst delivered Frontiers of Thought conference at PUCRS

28/10/2019 - 15h06

Photo: Luiz Munhoz

Brazil-based Italian psychoanalyst and writer Contardo Calligaris was welcomed in the evening of Monday, Oct 21, to Frontiers of Thought, at PUCRS. The institution is one of the cultural supporters of the project. The event took place at the University’s Events Center and featured an opening performance by the Centro Social Marista (Cesmar) percussion group. In his delivery, Calligaris talked about with stories of his life, always in the presence of his father, an Italian cardiologist.

In his childhood, the family had a library at home. His father would tell him that there are books that are written to bridge gaps in the shelf while others are used to preserve them. “I never stopped wondering which books bridge gaps and which preserve the gaps in the shelf”, he said. This metaphor served for the psychoanalyst to illustrate the idea that one will always miss a book to fill the gaps in the bookshelf. This moves us, for we never find a master way to bridge that gap in search for meaning for life.

Studying topics such as culture and psychoanalysis, especially about the supposed obligation of happiness, enjoyment, beauty and excesses, the lecturer stated that people today tend to criticize hedonism, as everyone puts pleasure first: “If one is to enjoy the so-called pleasures of life, one needs attention. We are a very oblivious culture”, he warned, as he thought of the importance of enjoying concrete life, small pieces of our routines. Later in his lecture, he added that, when visiting museums, he chooses three works to enjoy. For a few hours, he observes specific pieces and will not move, as he will try to focus on what really matters to him.

But after all, what is the meaning of life? In search for the answer for that question, he claimed that the only true work of art of each one of us is life itself. Individuals try to suppress their doubts when they doubt their certainties. “Stupidity is a response to the fear of freedom. To be stupid is to suppress in others the freedom that frightens me”. And added: “the meaning of life and the life per se. The one we live and the one in which dying is part of”. In the end, the psychoanalyst joined an informal session with School of Humanities professor Dr Luciano Marques de Jesus, mediated by journalist Daniel Scola.

About Contardo Calligaris


Centro Social Marista (Cesmar) percussion group. Photo: Luiz Munhoz

Contardo Calligaris’ career is marked by a reflection on human existence. Either in his office or in his texts and books, Calligaris addresses adolescence and the anguish caused by contemporary challenges. In 1985, he came to Brazil to release his first psychoanalysis book, A hypothesis about the ghost. Later, he ended up settling in the country, where he now lives. He has published several books, including novels and a play. He has also produced the HBO series Psi.

He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Provence, but began his studies in Literature and Philosophy. In 1975, he was accepted as a member of the Freudian School of Paris, where he lived until 1989. He taught at the Paris 8 University and took classes with French philosophers Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault. He also attended the seminars delivered by French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, a major influence in his life. In addition to working in his São Paulo and New York offices, he writes for Folha de S.Paulo.

Frontiers of Thought

This was the 7th conference of Thought Frontiers this year, whose main theme is Meanings of Life. The latest edition will feature philosopher Luc Ferry, on Nov 11.

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